Re: Sin?

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 09:53:30 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "The multi-universe"

    >>The Word of God clearly states that homosexual acts are an abomination.
    does not say most acts or some acts or these acts or those acts. The
    clearly says that all sex is wrong except sex between a husband and wife
    the sanctity of marriage. Sex between a husband and wife is ordained,
    sanctioned, blessed, and holy according to God. Any other sex is a sin
    one's own body; this includes any couple of any sex in a committed,

    I understand your claims. I even agree with the first two. Let's look
    just at those two.

    There is a philosophical (logical) concept called the fallacy of the
    excluded middle. Taking your first two statements as true (again, I agree
    that they are true statements), they do not prove your third statement.

    If you think that they do, then you must agree that anything the Bible
    does not speak about must be avoided. Driving in cars, watching TV,
    playing baseball, dressing in 21st century clothing. Etc.


    John Burgeson (Burgy)

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