Re: Sin?

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Sun Aug 10 2003 - 10:06:57 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Sin?"

    Robert, in writing a particularly thoughtful commentary on the homosexual
    issue, says, in part: "I think it is more than likely that Paul and
    contemporaries had nothing like our modern understanding of sexual
    orientation. "

    Not ascribing all knowledge to Paul, I would agree. In looking back on my
    very imperfect memory, I suspect that I had no knowledge before -- say --
    1991 (age 60) that there were such things as same gender committed long
    term relationships. Such were simply not part of my world; I knew nobody
    that would possibly fit that description. Had you asked me, in 1991, "Is
    homosexuality a sin?" I would not have understood the difference between
    the condition and the action. I, probably based on a facile reading of
    Romans 1, or, more likely, on what I'd heard the preacher say, would have
    said "Of course."

    It seems likely that Paul's understanding when he wrote Romans was of
    that kind. Of course, he would have been relying on the OT prohibitions
    at that point.


    John Burgeson (Burgy)

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