Oppressive YEC

From: Jim Eisele (jeisele@starpower.net)
Date: Sat Apr 20 2002 - 11:57:28 EDT

  • Next message: Don Perrett: "RE: How and when did we become "men"?"

    How long will it take for the internet to undermine YEC?
    FWIW, I'm completely on the TEs & OECs side here. Personally,
    I think YEC is due for a fall. Why?

    A) No presence in the public schools (that I am aware of, anyway).
    B) Desperate people make mistakes - now I wouldn't do this, but
       what happens if a ticked off former YEC develops a website
       "lies of the YEC"
    C) And, the "listserv" that I started a few weeks ago is now an
       organized group. It won't be long before we have a fully
       operational website. I can promise that this website will
       take the Bible away from the YEC. Please no inquiries, we
       need time to work on our website.


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