The Future for ID

Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 01:01:25 EDT

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    What Becomes of ID?

    It is commonly thought that ID is nothing more that some
    form of reactionary religious response to the truth of the
    neo-Darwinian worldview. Neo-Darwinism, after all, represents
    the crown jewel of the non-teleological, reductionist approach
    to life. Some religious people, it is said, make their peace
    with neo-Darwinism and sequester their God to the
    empirically undetectable realm. But it is also said that
    there are the religious die-hards, who think their God needs
    a job or will otherwise become superfluous. Thus, they
    look for gaps in Nature and seek to find a job for their
    God among those gaps.

    And such, I think, is the most common perception
    about basic dynamic behind the existence of ID.
    Put simply, it's the last gasp of a dying form of
    theistic interventionism. A polished, but still
    inherently flawed, form of creationism.

    Now, I suspect this perception is accurate for
    some, maybe many or even most. As I participate in some
    debates about this issue, and more importantly, as I lurk
    and watch many others, I do indeed think much of the noise
    is simply about theists and atheists using a different language
    to carry on the alt.atheism type debates that most cyber-surfers
    have probably seen at one time or another. And even if you don't
    quite fit into the context, if you participate, it's easy to get
    caught in their cross-fire.

    If I am correct, then what does the future hold for ID? Let's
    say that ID has played its strongest cards - Dembski's EF/CSI
    and Behe's IC. Both cards are played such that they are supposed
    to compel any rational person into accepting ID. But if we survey
    the response of their skeptics, it would clearly appear that they
    have thus far failed. An army of skeptics, who are certainly
    not irrational, have either rejected these cards or found them
    seriously inadequate.

    Now, I suppose the arguments can be strengthened in the future,
    and periodically various scholars or scientists may join the ID
    "movement," but if that was their best shot, what becomes of ID?
    Will ID always remain marginalized? Will ID find its home only
    among those with fundamentalist-like religious leanings? After all,
    as those gaps keeping getting smaller and smaller, it is going to be
    harder and harder to find a job for God, right?

    I think it is safe to assume the vast majority of ID critics would
    respond "yes" to these questions. I think most ID critics think
    that in the future, ID will be viewed by historians as nothing more
    than a desperate last attempt to resurrect some form of theistic world
    view that finally gives way to a non-teleological viewpoint that
    will forever reign.

    I think, however, there is a very good chance the future will
    be very different. That is, even if the current ID arguments are not made
    any more rigorous than they are today, I think some form of teleological
    viewpoint, probably including something like current ID, will gain
    a strong foothold in the future and spread much farther than any current
    ID critic can imagine. And not just among the uneducated. Am I really
    that naïve? Am I really such a true-believer? Is it really that hard for
    me to wake up and smell that coffee?

    Well, I hope I am not that naïve, I'm not really a "true-believer"
    on this issue, but I do confess to not drinking coffee. Nevertheless, I
    can "see" a very different future than the ID critic and it doesn't even
    depend on some sensational ID break-through.

    It's just in the cards.

    Shall I explain?


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