Re: muliplte persona alert!

Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 01:04:42 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: muliplte persona alert!"

    DNAunion: Note the following items from another site posted here by Huxter:

    >Huxter: DNAunion writes: "As wwasiauc pointed out later in his post..." and
    "wwasiauc pointed out ..."
    and "Wwasiauc just told me he is feeling fine..."
    >Huxter: DNAunion: "wwasiauc asked me to visit this site and clean up some
    of his loose
    ends (we lived together while attending college and were lucky enough to
    find jobs at the same company after graduating and remain good friends)... "

    >Huxter: DNAunion: "When I got rude in response to your ongoing derogatory
    statements, I realized that you and I - as WWASIAUC - could no longer have
    a meaningful discussion. So I dropped out and returned as DNAunion hoping
    that sicne there was no history of bad blood between us - between DNAunion
    and Pat ...."

    >Huxter: DNA writes: "PS: About my ArnOrg. When I planned to stage my
    comeback under a new identity..."

    DNAunion: Now, what about the board rules.

    "it is a breach of privacy, good manners, and possibly copyright to republish
    something someone says in one forum elsewhere -- especially if this is done
    with the intent to take advantage or embarrass someone for
    a possibly hasty comment."

    So Huxter clearly violated the rules of this board, while I did not violate
    the rules of the other board. Game, set, match to DNAunion.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Oct 04 2000 - 01:05:11 EDT