Understanding Prophecy (was Re: Daniel)

From: Robert Schneider (rjschn39@bellsouth.net)
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 23:07:43 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: Anthropological items"

    Allen writes:

         These certain prophecies of Daniel 11 have zero, zip, nada to do =
    Antiochus Epiphanes. Any attempt to force the prophcies to fit his =
    reign is
    doomed to fail. The fact is that the prophecies of Daniel 2, 7, 8 and =
    all extend to "the day of the Lord" which lasts through today unto the
    coming end of the world. These prophecies find remarkable further
    fulfillment in the histories of pagan and papal Rome and the modern =
    in an unbroken stream of historical events from the time of Daniel =
    today and beyond.

    Bob's comment:

    I must say that I think that anyone who thinks that apocalyptic =
    literature is prophetic literature, or who thinks the that purpose of =
    prophecy is merely predictive, doesn't understand prophetic literature =
    or prophecy, whether that person be Sir Isasc Newton or Hal Lindsay or =
    Allen Roy.

    If my memory serves me correctly, the recognition that the apocalyptic =
    account in the latter half of Daniel contains references to the =
    political history of Alexander's successor and the reign of Antiochus IV =
    and his depredations on the Temple and those faithful to the Covenant is =
    to be found among Christian commentators as early as Jerome in the late =
    fifth century. I doubt Jerome would think he "failed" any more than the =
    modern commentators who represent a widespread consensus of biblical =
    scholarship on this matter, and are not so dense that they can't get it.

    Any claim that a group of "prophecies" have found "remarkable further =
    fulfillment" on so many occasions throughout subsequent history simply =
    demonstrates that one can make a text mean anything one wants it to mean =
    when it is cut loose from its literary and historical contexts.

    Allen, after reading your thoughtful, reasoned, and well stated =
    exposition of a position similar to "position C" on biblical inerrancy, =
    I must confess I am astonished at the rhetorical flourishes and ad =
    hominem pronouncements in your subsequent statement on Daniel.

    Grace and peace,
    Bob Schneider

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