Re: Understanding Prophecy (was Re: Daniel)

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 17:33:32 EDT

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "Re: sciDocument.rtf"

    Bob posted, in part: "I must say that I think that anyone who thinks that
    apocalyptic literature is prophetic literature, or who thinks the that
    purpose of prophecy is merely predictive, doesn't understand prophetic
    literature or prophecy, whether that person be Sir Isaac Newton or Hal
    Lindsay or Allen Roy."

    Thanks for the perspective, Bob. I once studied a book, THINGS TO COME,
    under no other a biblical giant than J. Dwight Penecost. Read the whole
    book. I had almost as many marginal notes as he had text. He conducted a
    week-long seminar on it at Keswick in, I think, 1966.

    Wish I still had it (the book); lost along life's journey. About two months
    after I concluded with it I came to the position that Penecost was probably
    wrong; if he was right it didn't much matter anyway. Christianity had to
    consist of things more important.


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