Subject: Re: Four items of possible controversy

Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 22:22:49 EST

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Kirk on ID"

    Burgy wrote: That there are those who hold the
    consecration ought to be opposed on moral grounds and are not influenced
    by Ahmanson is not contested; I know some and they are my friends. In
    point of fact I myself have no position on the consecration; there are
    rational and persuasive arguments on either side (obviously) and, not
    being Episcopal, I have not studied them sufficiently to take a position.

    I write: Here's a cogent argument against ordination of homosexual
    bishops. Ken Ham would argue that this vector has a common root with


    Subject: Dr. Peter Jones-Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet
    From: CWIPP []
    NewsCWIPP #5
      Homosexual Bishops: A Theological Oxymoron
      Just when we thought things couldnít get worse, they did. American
    Episcopalian bishops celebrated our cultural moral collapse by receiving
    a divorced, openly-practicing homosexual into their august ranks. These
    meddlesome priests are out ahead of the cultural curve. Can marital
    status be refused to gays when those with the spiritual authority to
    administer the rite of marriage are already gay?
      This radical sector of the Church has abandoned any objective moral
    standard for sexual behavior. Doubtless lesbian bishops are already
    waiting in the wings. A homosexual Roman Catholic priest states that the
    ìonly authentic spirituality is gay spirituality.î Some in mainline
    Protestant churches declare polyamory (ìcommittedî group sex) to be
    ìholy.î Will we soon see be-robed bishops ordaining a man accompanied by
    his adoring bi-sexual family of three ìwivesî and the other ìhusbandî?
    Such an act will be lauded as a unique statement ìof the unity of the
    churchÖ[that] none of the rest of us can make,î to quote Douglas Theuner,
    retiring bishop of New Hampshire, reflecting on the unique ìChristian
    witnessî of Gene Robinson and his male lover.
      The Anglican communion is in shock, but this state of affairs became
    inevitable when doctrinal discipline was abandoned. Broad churchmen could
    be lax when eccentric bishops denied ìonlyî the doctrines (the divinity
    of Christ, his physical resurrection and even the biblical doctrine of
    God). But theological deviance often precedes moral degeneracy. Ideas
    have consequences. We react once the moral cat is out of the theological
    bag, but by then, there is little to be done. An unbiblical view of God
    inevitably leads to the justification of homosexuality.
      People are bending over backwards to be polite. Some optimistically
    speak of separated brethren who will come ìback together.î English
    Primate Rowan Williams declares both that the ordination of Robinson was
    done in ìgood faith,î and that ìthe effects will have to be confronted
    with honesty.î Will he ever ask the impolite but necessary question:
    ìwhat is the nature of the ëgood faithí of the American bishops?î A
    previous ìprimate,î the apostle Paul, named two kinds of faith: ìthe good
    teaching of Jesus Christî and ìthe teaching of demonsî (1 Timothy 4:1,6).

      Paul used strong language because the false teaching he denounced in the
    Ephesian church eventually rejected the biblical doctrine of God and the
    very nature of Redemption itselfówhich is what the demonic world has
    always done. Todayís theological justification of homosexuality grows out
    of a similar apostasy. Honoring homosexuality fails to respect the
    structures of difference (night and day, waters and dry land, male and
    female) that God as Creator placed in the world. Such distinctions are
    dismissed as mythological nonsense of no theological importance.
    Normalizing homosexuality redefines the notion of sin and thus nullifies
    the Gospel account of Christís atoning death for sinners. It renders
    meaningless the biblical doctrines of repentance, holiness and
    sanctification and makes a mockery of the church as salt and light to the
    sinful world.
      We are not dealing with another good faith version of Christianity, but,
    as Archbishop Williams should know, its antithetical opposite. A lesbian
    pastor, commenting on the conflict with the conservative wing in her
    church, said: ìMaybe we are talking about a different god.î There are not
    too many gods about whom to talk. There is the transcendent God of theism
    and there are the nature gods of paganism. The espousal of homosexuality
    is certainly a ìgood faithî position if oneís belief system is that of
    pantheistic spirituality. But such apostasy cannot serve as a basis for
    re-established communion within the confines of a meaningful Christian
    confession. The apostle Paul refuses such a mixture: ìWhat fellowship is
    there between the temple of God and idols?î
      The issue of homosexual bishops brings us to an historic moment, with
    only two realistic options. 1. Either worldwide Anglicanism will split
    definitively over the issue of truth, on the basis of Scriptureís
    exclusive ìone Lord, one faith, one baptism,î and the Creed's ìone holy,
    catholic church,î or, 2. the old ìlive and let live compromiseî will
    bring everyone back together on the basis of pseudo-Christian syncretism.
    In the final sermon at the Convention in August, 2003, when Robinson was
    voted in, presiding bishop Frank Griswold said: ìThis Convention has been
    about loveÖsomething has happened that is larger than any one
    perspectiveÖî Here, in perfectly Postmodern fashion, truth and falsehood
    have become ìperspectives,î and a new kind of church unity is unveiled.
    Citing not the Bible but the Sufi (pagan) poet Rumi, Griswold declared:
    ìOut beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. Iíll
    meet you there.î
      ìBack togetherî on this basis would be a momentous victory for unabashed
    paganism. The unifying field is no longer Christian truth but pagan
    oneness. Lutheran historian Frederic Baue's prediction would become a
    reality. Baue asks: ìWhat comes after the Postmodern?î He answers: ìa
    phase of Western/world civilization that is innately religious but
    hostile to ChristianityÖor worse, a dominant but false church that brings
    all of its forces to bear against the truth of Godís Word.î
      Peter Jones

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