Re: Declining water and oil\

From: Stein A. Stromme (
Date: Wed Nov 12 2003 - 05:33:06 EST

  • Next message: "Subject: Re: Four items of possible controversy"


    | The big problem is the population. The world simply can't continue
    | to support more and more of us, but I doubt that sex and babies are
    | going to go out of style anytime soon. Ultimately, regardless of
    | what we do, we will be like the Reindeer below. Don't know when,
    | because technology can put off the day of reckoning but it will
    | happen:

    It seems to be a general trend that with a sufficiently high standard
    of living comes a lower reproduction rate. There are many reasons for
    this (but it does make us different from reindeer). Hence, somewhat
    paradoxically, the road to a stable sustainable world population might
    go through a higher standard of living, probably including a higher
    consumption of food and energy. _If_ the world's resources would
    allow for this, population growth might flatten out eventually, at say
    15 billion or so.


    Stein Arild Str¯mme            +47 55584825, +47 95801887
    Universitetet i Bergen                  Fax: +47 55589672
    Matematisk institutt     
    Johs Brunsg 12, N-5008 BERGEN 

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