Adam vs. 'adam / one cult's solution?

Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 19:06:52 EDT

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Trouble with Adam and Eve"

    Stucandu wrote: In 1 Cor 15:45-47 we find an explanation for the 2 different
    of creation in Genesis.

    We do?

    Stu wrote: Of prime importance is Paul's statement in verse 46, that the
    first man (first account) is spiritual, and then 'that which is natural'.

    Verse 46 in my Bible says that the natural man came first and then the
    spiritual. What Bible are you reading?

    Stu wrote: [Paul] quite clearly states that Adam was not first, but that the
    spiritual creation is first.

    Stu, you wouldn't by any chance be dyslexic, would you?

    Stu wrote: They [the two creation accounts supposedly here referred to by
    Paul] are juxtaposed to reveal the distinction between the 'earthy' man and
    the 'heavenly' man.

    Who says they are "juxtaposed"?

    Stu wrote: the spiritual creation in Gen 1 is the true creation and the
    material account (Gen 2) is the false account.

    A "false account" in scripture? Hmmmmmmm. Stu, you wouldn't by any chance be
    a Christian Scientist or a member of some other Bible mangling cult, would

    Stu wrote: You can choose either account to believe as being true, but only
    one really is true.

    Sorry, Stu, I choose to believe that all of God's word is true. In spite of
    whatever Mary Baker Eddy or Rev. Moon or whoever else you may be listening to
    has told you.


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