Re: Adam vs. 'adam / one cult's solution?

From: Stuart d Kirkley (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 14:41:23 EDT

  • Next message: Adrian Teo: "RE: Bear sacrifice"

    Forgive me if I implied that you already knew I was a Christian
    Scientist. I was quite sure it was your post I replied to about a
    week ago which offered to the list several scientific texts written
    about 125 years ago. My reply was to include Science and Health among
    that list since it was written at the same period, and I fully
    disclosed that I was a Christian Scientist in that post. Perhaps the
    first post was written by someone else, perhaps you didn't read it. I
    apologise for the insinuation I made.

    I would be interested in knowing what the titles of these alleged
    'objective' books about my religion, Christian Science, are. If they
    are objective then they should stand up to pretty intensive scrutiny.
    There have been many books and articles written which denounce
    Christian Science, but it has been clearly demonstrated that they are
    far from being objective.

    You seem to know an awful lot about Christian Scientists to declare
    that they 'cannot read the Bible objectively'. I guess you must have
    a personal knowledge of each and every Christian Scientist on the
    planet. I would be more careful when making such broadly sweeping
    statements which are merely your opinion and not established fact.

    As for Science and Health's 'key to the scriptures', this is a
    section of the book which provides a spiritual interpretation of
    Genesis, Revelation and a glossary of biblical and Christian Science
    terms and phrases. You are absolutely correct that the Holy Spirit
    will be our teacher (although you seem to have gotten the scriptural
    citations wrong). I'm not sure what you believe the Holy Spirit to be
    but I believe it to be the divine inspiration of Truth and Love,
    which is ever present and a ready help to uplift thought and
    consciousness above all mortal discord. Mary Baker Eddy was divinely
    inspired by this Spirit of Truth and Love as she spent half her
    lifetime studying the Bible to glean it's spiritual significance and
    application to each and every human need. She wrote her findings out
    in Science and Health which underwent dozens of revisions as she
    strove to elucidate Christian Science more perfectly.

    You are free to think what you will about any matter under the sun,
    but the Bible warns quite pointedly about making judgement, lest ye
    yourself be judged. To 'judge righteous judgement' seems to me to
    indicate that we should be as objective as possible before rendering
    judgement, and not to judge based on bias, prejudice, ignorance or
    preconceived ideas. This is not always easy, I'll be the first to
    attest. I'm sure we have all made erroneous judgements in our time,
    but we all need to learn and grow into a better and healthier
    understanding of those things we don't comprehend. You are free to
    disagree with Christian Science and the practice of spiritual
    healing, but I would advise that you gather better information before
    you make any damning judgements. Calling any religion or society a
    cult is a malicious and harmful action that only serves to cause
    further division and ignorance, if not hatred, amongst unsuspecting
    people who don't know any better and may be easily inf!
    nced. It is far from being a Christian practice, which, regardless of
    our differing points of view, is still the highest form of charity
    one can give.

    As I mentioned before, there is a growing body of evidence that
    prayer for spiritual healing does heal physical, mental and moral
    problems. The Christian Science church is not the only religion which
    practices this, but we do have a pretty good record of success. The
    church does keep records of personal testimonies of spiritual
    healing, all of which are verified by at least three independant
    witnesses. In many cases, these witnesses are medical practitioners.
    At present these number in the tens of thousands. Each week, at
    testimony meetings in Christian Science churches worldwide,
    testimonies of healing are offered in gratitude for the blessings
    received through prayer. These verbal testimonies are not recorded,
    but considering that the Christian Science church has been active for
    over 100 years now, these alone must number in the hundreds of
    thousands. That's a lot of evidence that spiritual healing and
    Christian Science healing practice is a viable and valid system of
    g. Again, you can look at this evidence objectively, or you can
    dismiss it, but the evidence is there for all to see. When a person
    is not healed through Christian Science, does that mean that the
    whole system is invalid? When a person doesn't recuperate under
    medical and surgical methods, do we throw out the whole system of
    medicine? CHristian Science does not create any mindsets which
    forbids a person from seeking medical attention if they feel they
    should. Christian Science applauds the medical profession for it's
    noble ambition of providing physical relief to humankind. We believe
    that it is spiritual relief that is really needed, but hold that
    physical aids are not forbidden and certainly not condemned.

    There is a lot of misinformation out there about Christian Science,
    about it's theology, history and pracitce. Your summary of Mrs.
    Eddy's ideas regarding Gen 2 are evidence of this. Also, Mrs. Eddy
    never claimed she was a prophetess, as you state. In fact she would
    be the first to denounce such a proclamation. Christian Science
    teaches the exact opposite in fact, that deification of the person is
    quite clearly a violation of the first commandment. Christian Science
    is first and foremost a Christian religion, it is based on the Bible,
    and we take quite seriously our duty to God by obeying the ten
    commandments and living in accord with the Beatitudes. It is anything
    but a cult.

    Anyway, I would rather engage in a constructive discussion of this or
    any other topics than slinging insults and personal jabs at each
    other. Arguing 'ad hominem' is the most vulgar form of discussion
    there is. If I engaged in that, I apologise, but you did make some
    pretty nasty remarks against me and my religion. I notice that you
    end some of your posts by signing off 'In Christ'. In the spirit of
    Christs charity, I suggest we call a truce, and seal the deed with a
    declaration of tolerance of other peoples beliefs. Peace is always
    the more difficult, but ultimately wiser, course.

    Stuart Kirkley

    On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 18:58:05
      MikeSatterlee wrote:
    >You wrote: Yes, I am a Christian Scientist, but you knew that didn't you?
    >No, I did not. But I thought you might be. Either that or a Moonie. I've
    >talked to both before. You sounded a bit like both of them.
    >I wont bother discussing this subject matter or any other here with you
    >because I believe that it is you who is most likely not capable of objective
    >thinking. Christian Scientists cannot read the Bible objectively. In fact,
    >Mary Baker Eddy's book Science and Health is subtitled "Key to the
    >Scriptures." To accept her as having provided us with a "key" to
    >understanding the scriptures is to reject what the scriptures themselves tell
    >us, that we would need anyone to teach us, for the Holy Spirit Himself would
    >be our teacher. (1 John 1:26,27)
    >I believe that the Holy Spirit has taught me that Mary Baker Eddy was a false
    >teacher, and that her teachings that Genesis 2 never happened, that it was
    >all some bad dream Adam had, that our physical world does not really even
    >exist, and that disease is not caused by germs, are all absolute foolishness.
    >You object to the word cult being applied to your religion. But any religion
    >that creates a mindset where some people would rather die than seek medical
    >attention, due to their following the highly questionable biblical
    >interpretations of some self-proclaimed prophet, or in this case prophetess,
    >in my estimation is a Cult with a capital C.
    >I recommend you read some "objective" books and articles on your church and
    >on the woman who founded it.

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