leaving the faith

From: Wendee Holtcamp (wendee@greendzn.com)
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 10:04:04 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: leaving the faith"

    >At 08:31 AM 3/10/00 -0600, Wendee Holtcamp wrote:
    >>The whole scenario with Will Provine and others who fall away from
    >>Christianity because of intellectual objections only shows me more that
    >>nobody will ever come into a true relationship with Jesus Christ through
    >>intellectual means.
    >You may be missing the point. They were, or at least claim to have been,
    >christians. It wasn't about coming to Christ, it is all about leaving
    >Christ after one started there.

    I don't believe any person who was truly "in Christ" having seen the true
    power and love and grace of the risen Lord would EVER leave. Those people
    most likely were raised in a church and/or family where the love of Christ
    was professed but not truly practiced.

    Our pastor (M.S. Lutheran) likes to say that many churches (and/or families)
    "innoculate" people against Christianity by giving them a weak form of
    faith - it makes people become resistant to Christianity unless given
    anything but a very strong dose of the Spirit alive and well! This is why
    Christians filled with the Holy Spirit must work - we can and will do
    greater things even than Jesus, he says.

    In Christ's Love,
       Wendee Holtcamp -- wendee@greendzn.com -- http://www.greendzn.com
                      Environment/Travel/Science Writer -- Poet -- Photographer
              But the child's sob curses deeper in the silence than the
               strong man in his wrath. -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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