Educational Resources for Teachers in Libraries

Librarians are teachers who improve education both indirectly (by evaluating and providing knowledge resources that are used by students & instructors) and directly (as when working with students in a reference area, helping them plan their research and find resources in print or on the web).  Our website is a potential knowledge resource that you can share with students and instructors.  This tips-page will help you discover what is available and where to find it, by describing its homepage and sitemap:

        The HOMEPAGE says "this website is for everyone who likes to think, it's for learners and teachers," and provides a brief outline of...
        WHAT"Our goals are to help you enjoy the exciting adventure of learning and thinking, explore the fascinating world created by God, and grow in faith."
        HOW — The homepage links to A Quick Education which explains how we can "help you learn quickly on two levels" with introductions that "provide a coherent overview of important ideas," plus links so you can "explore more deeply... by examining the ideas and their relationships in more depth," and why, although we have carefully selected high-quality pages for you to explore, "our selectivity is not censorship" because "we adopt a ‘multiple views’ approach by accurately describing the views of people with different perspectives, so you can be well informed while you develop your own perspectives."
        WHO — The American Scientific Affiliation is "a fellowship of scientists — and engineers, and scholars in fields related to science, such as the history and philosophy of science, and science education — who are Christians."
        A Whole-Person Theme — We ask whether the homepage title, Whole-Person Education embracing Science and Faith, "is impossible because science and Christian faith are in conflict," and answer "NO" because this unfortunately common claim (about inherent conflict between science and faith) is oversimplistic, so "we want to replace this misconception with accurate understanding, by explaining why conventional modern science is compatible with Bible-based theology."  An overview of "why" is in Science-and-Religion for Understanding and Personal Faith where we ask "how can science affect faith?" and look at three potential challenges to faith, in our views of creation, divine action, and psychology.

        The SITEMAP will help you explore the website, which covers a wide range of ideas about:
        Effective Education — by improving our abilities for thinking (creative, critical, and problem solving), learning, and teaching.
        Science and Theology — for becoming a person who is more whole, by learning about the nature of science, thinking about creation questions, and developing an effective worldview (for apologetics in a modern/postmodern context, and education that promotes Christian thinking and living in a whole-person stewardship of life).
        The sitemap-page also describes other parts of the ASA Website, and offers Tips for Teachers, plus links to pages (which you'll see below) with tips for teachers in different areas, in Natural & Social Sciences, Engineering, Math, Education, History, Philosophy, and Theology.

The links above and below are places to begin your explorations, and if you want to help us improve our website — for example, if you have suggestions to make it better, or you've discovered a great web-resource and you tell us about it so we can share it with others — your assistance will be greatly appreciated.   How can you help?


This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to another part of it,
 a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page.  Both keep everything inside this window, 
so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were.

Here are tips-pages (to supplement
the SITEMAP described above) with
educational resources for teachers of
Biology, Chemistry, Physics plus Astronomy, Geology
  eclectic interdisciplinary studies (Environmental, Historical, etc) 
 Psychology, Sociology, History, and other Social Sciences     Education 
Mathematics and Computer Science     Engineering and Design
Science in Arts and Sports     Philosophy and Theology
and [in this page] teachers who work in libraries,

plus useful ideas for teachers and students in all fields,
Science-and-Religion for Understanding and Personal Faith

This page, written by Craig Rusbult (editor of education website), is