RE: How and when did we become "men"?

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Sat Apr 20 2002 - 10:24:35 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Brachiators On Our Family Tree? (Pre-Adamites)"

    Hi Glenn, you wrote:

    >Hi Dick,

    > >What was missing from Catal Huyuk was the evidence of animal sacrifice
    > >seen in excavations of middle eastern civilizations that flourished after
    > >7000 years ago. There were no alters, no grooved stones to run off the
    > blood so
    > >it could be collected instead of spilling on the ground and drawing flies.
    > >It is this kind of ritualistic, wholesale animal sacrifice to appease
    > the gods or
    > >to atone for sins that is missing prior to 7000 years ago.
    >Woah, Dick, don't go leaping to conclusions. I just presented many cases
    >which show all signs of being animal sacrifice and now without even
    >discussing why those examples don't qualify, you simply repeat your
    >falsified claim. You once made the claim that you were an 'evidence' sort
    >of guy. Then discuss the evidence.

    "Falsified"? I can't discuss what is missing, Glenn. And this isn't my point
    anyway. What you seem to be looking for is some way to attach spirituality
    to mankind who lived in antiquity. It isn't my concern, but I seem to get
    in anyway. What I have tried to point out since I began is that Adam appears
    as a late entry into the human race, not at the apex.

    It isn't germane to my case whether Homo erectus stared at the nighttime
    sky and contemplated his origin. Or whether he killed bears or arranged
    skulls, or whether early modern Homo sapiens did it.

    What you seem to want to imply is that this "spirituality" exists because all
    hominids emanate from Adam. That's an argument that is DOA in my book.

    Whatever spirituality may have been present before Adam was given his mission
    is beside the point. I found your discussion of bears fascinating, as I
    find much
    of your research fascinating. I hope you continue to bestow on us the blessing
    of your keen intelligence and the information you continually uncover. I
    mean that. (You could lighten up a little.)

    But if you think Adam was an Australopithicine, who had apes for parents,
    you won't get any support from me.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

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