Re: Fair Fight

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 16:15:08 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "FW: cosmology & polygamy"


    It has obviously escaped your attention that you too stand guilty of
    rejecting evidence that doesn't fit your understanding of things. I
    refer, of course, to the numero-geometrical phenomena that underpin and
    unite the Bible's opening Hebrew words, the Greek form of the Creator's
    Name, and that key verse, Rev.13:18.

    What you refer to as "a lawyer's tactic and a YEC tactic" is (as Bob
    correctly points out) universal, and an inevitable consequence of the
    Fall - and, moreover, clearly enunciated in God's strictures concerning
    man (eg Jer.17:9). In an ideal world those who call themselves
    'Christians' would, no doubt, " tell it straight". But alas, in this
    life that can never be!


    Dick Fischer wrote:

    > Bob wrote:
    >> Please name one person who has not selected evidence to suit his or
    >> her own
    >> theory and neglected or rejected evidence that does not. We all do.
    > You are describing a lawyer's tactic, and a YEC tactic. I would hope
    > that those of us who bear the "Christian label" are not picking and
    > choosing what fits and what does not. If I knew where Jesus' bones
    > were buried, I'd shout it from the roof tops. Any of us should.
    > That's what separates us and safeguards our Christian message.
    > Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    > "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

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