Re: Creationism/Kansas

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 21:08:59 EST

  • Next message: Lucien Carroll: "Re: Thoughts on the implications of evolution as a means ofcreation"

    >Allen wrote:
    >This is one of the falsehoods that was spread by many, including the
    >media. There never was an attempt to ban evolution in Kansas. Few
    >people have ever looked for themselves at the actual wording of the
    >state school board action. To be sure, Evolution was downplayed and
    >concepts critical of evolution were to be allowed. But the wholesale
    >banning of Evolution from the schools is pure fabrication.

    What really happened is that all references to descent with modification of
    all living things from common ancestors was removed from the standards. In
    addition, references to the age of the Earth, Big Bang cosmology, and
    environmental issues were also removed. In other words, all references to
    the conclusions of historical science were removed.

    The standards do not mandate what is taught in the classroom, and decisions
    about curriculum content and textbooks are made at the local level.
    However, the standards determine what appears on the state assessment
    examinations. Performance on these tests are used to evaluate the
    effectiveness of teaching. Thus, topics not included on the standards are
    unlikely to be taught, or at least unlikely to be emphasized, in the


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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