
From: Lucy Masters (
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 15:09:53 EST

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: Thoughts on the implications of evolution as a means of creation"

    Allen wrote:

    This is one of the falsehoods that was spread by many, including the
    media. There never was an attempt to ban evolution in Kansas. Few
    people have ever looked for themselves at the actual wording of the
    state school board action. To be sure, Evolution was downplayed and
    concepts critical of evolution were to be allowed. But the wholesale
    banning of Evolution from the schools is pure fabrication.

    Lucy asks:

    Allen - please give me a point of clarification. I may be wrong here
    (due to poor memory), but I thought I read in the NYTimes that while
    evolution was not banned in the schools, there was a total ban on the
    discussion of evolution in the textbooks that the schools could use.
     This, of course, would make the teaching of it pretty hard on the
    science teachers. Also, placing the burden of the fight at the local
    level pits teachers against the community members with whom they must
    live. Is this wrong? Perhaps I read this someplace else. I appreciate
    your helping me with my memory of this event.

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