review of Pennock's book

From: Marcio Pie (
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 20:56:09 EST

  • Next message: Allen Roy: "Re: review of Pennock's book"

    Hi all,

    There's a review of "Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics"
    (edited by Robert Pennock) in the latest issue of Science:

    Here are two interesting quotes:

    "Johnson continues to conflate these two forms of naturalism even after
    being called on the issue many times, but he has no choice. If he gives up
    the conflation, he has lost, because he cannot call naturalism a
    state-supported, established religion unless it explicitly denies the
    existence of God."

    "People like Plantinga and Johnson claim the high ground without earning
    it, and so they seldom hold it long. Johnson believes that the more people
    learn about the philosophy behind evolution, the less they'll like it.
    Wait until they learn what's behind intelligent design."


    p.s.: By the way, there's a very interesting article on the same issue
    entitled "Television Viewing and Aggressive Behavior During Adolescence
    and Adulthood"

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