Re: Current Events

From: Steve Bishop (
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 16:13:32 EST

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: Qs for Dr. Collins"

    Ruth wrote:
    >I cannot speak to mustard gas or Bangladeshi floods, but there is
    >certainly NOT a "strong correlation" btwn human cancers of any
    >sort and power line proximity. Each human epidemiologic study
    >that has been done since '79 with increasingly better exposure
    >assessment methodology has come up with weaker and weaker
    >associations, and none of the many laboratory studies of cells or
    >whole animals supports a correlation btwn electric or magnetic
    >fields and cancer. Please be careful interpreting your science from
    >the popular press, especially if it involves human epidemiology.
    >The science is far too complicated to get interpreted correctly in
    >the popular press. If you'd like references etc for this particular
    >topic, go to IEEE COMAR's website:
    >and scroll down to COMAR Reports.

    Thanks for correcting me on this point. Though this doesn't detract from my
    main point.


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