Re: ASA Perspective

From: Walter Hicks (
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 14:47:45 EST

  • Next message: Woodward Norm Civ WRALC/TIEDM: "RE: ID in Ohio, proposed changes to curriculum"

    Jim Eisele wrote:
    > In response to
    > > At what point does YEC become partial insanity?
    > Michael Roberts replies.
    > >Only partial?
    > Michael, OK, you win. YEC is an insane cult.
    > But, if you don't have all of the facts, it actually
    > makes sense. The Bible does sound at first like a 7 day
    > creation. And it's highly dangerous to stake out ground
    > away from the Bible/Jesus.
    > Jim

    It is dangerous ground is to call anyone insane when they appear to be
    as normal as everyone else but have different ideas. To be fair to
    everyone involved, the issue is quite simply -- what do you believe most

    If you believe that our current NATURALIST science tells the complete
    truth then you must absolutely reject the first chapter of Genesis as
    being partially flawed at best.

    If, on the other hand, you believe that the Bible is infallible, then
    you have reject the claims of science.

    Those are the basis of dicussion -- not endless harranges about fossil
    records and the like(IMO).

    Thinking that the other person is crazy is as incorrect as YEC can ever

    Yeah, I know, you can't have an intelligent discussion with a YEC; we
    tried; yadda, yadda, yadda.

    We recently had a young man who attempted to discuss ID with this group.
    He told me privately that he got the most denigrating responses ever
    from this group and he now struggled with Christian love for such
    people. That really is a shame! :(

    A little less science and a lot more Christian love and reaching out
    might be a better choice -- even if it is met with a slap.



    Walt Hicks <>
    In any consistent theory, there must
    exist true but not provable statements.
    (Godel's Theorem)

    You can only find the truth with logic If you have already found the truth without it. (G.K. Chesterton) ===================================

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