Re: Glenn Morton's Letters

From: David F Siemens (
Date: Fri Mar 23 2001 - 13:26:35 EST

  • Next message: bivalve: "Re: Fw: Arkansas Anti-Science Bill"

    Glenn Morton wrote, as forwarded by Carol Ann Hill, on 19 March 2001 in
    small part:

    "Sheep and goats, whose role would become essential in the peopling of
    middle Mediterranean area, were domesticated in the Near East. The sheep
    is, at first, a victim of a selective hunting process, for example, at
    Chemi at the foot of the Zagros, where a possible domestication as early
    9000 B. C. is postulated. " ~ Jean Guilaine, "The First Farmers of the
    World," in Jean Guilaine, editor, Prehistory: The World of Early Man,
    York: Facts on File, 1986), p. 82

    Sheep herding was very widespread prior to the time that you say that
    is really the father. Also, you ignore the statement that Jabal is the
    father of those who live in tents. Mankind has been living in tents for
    over 400,000 years and maybe as long ago as 1.6 million years. If so, in
    what sense can Jabal be the father of tent-livers? Several examples:

    You also make the statement that betrays your lack of study in
    when you write:
    "And could prehistoric humans--barely out of the Stone Age--have
    a boat the size of the ark? With what--stone tools? Boy, do you need to
    study ancient boatmaking. First off, the stone age Hawaiians, who NEVER
    the stone age because they had NO metals at all, built ocean going
    that were actually larger than the iron-tool-built boats of Captain Cook.

    "The boats used by Polynesians when James Cook encountered them were
    of craftsmanship. The Polynesians manufactured multi-hulled, multi-plank
    boats, propelled by paddles and sails and they were extremely fast.
    Tahitian canoes were 65 feet long, longer than many power cruisers. One
    canoe that Captain Cook saw was longer than his own ship. Polynesian
    were all made with stone-age tools." G. R. Morton Adam, Apes and
    Anthropology, DMD publishing 1997, p. 139 reference: John R.
    and Boating" The Software Toolworks Encyclopedia, 1992 Ed. version 1.5.
    Text Copyright Grolier Inc. 1992

    The earliest planed and polished piece of wood is dated between
    years (a time of Homo erectus) who obviously had skill with woodworking.
    Belitszky et al, "A Middle Pleistocene Wooden Plank with man?made
    Journal of Human Evolution, 1991, 20:349?353.)
    There is microscopic wear evidence on stone tools of woodworking going
    1.6 million years. Homo erectus manufactured a javelin balanced just like
    modern olympic javelin and he did it with stone tools. What is the
    with building a boat with stone tools, which many primitive cultures
    do today_-ocean going vessels made of wood!
    * * * * * * * * * *

    These statements leave me with several questions. Jabal was a descendant
    of Cain (Genesis 4:20). If the domestication of sheep was about 9000
    years ago, and the use of tents perhaps 1.6 million years ago, did
    Cainites survive the Flood? The distinction between clean and unclean
    animals was observed by Noah (7:2). This surely requires domestication.
    Why did it have to be rediscovered some 5 million years later?

    Tubal-Cain was a half brother of Jabal. He worked with brass or copper
    (bronze ?) and iron (4:22). Since the Bronze Age began less than 6000
    years ago and the Iron age about 3000 years ago, did the brothers span a
    wide period after the Flood? Alternatively, why suggest that Noah built
    with stone tools? Though stone tools can be used for sophisticated
    projects, it takes a lot longer than using metal tools. A saw in
    competent hands will produce a relatively smooth dimensioned plank fairly
    quickly, while splitting a trunk and smoothing the irregular slabs with
    stone scrapers will be slow work. As with herding, why was so valuable a
    technology lost? Can it be that the interpretation of the biblical
    chronology is in error? Further, how does a 0.8-1.6 million year old
    technology demonstrate a more sophisticated one 4 million years earlier?

    You are obviously right that a vessel of whatever size cannot sail
    upstream and land in the mountains. But it seems to me that your
    alternative has its own problems.


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