Complexes a la Carte!

From: silk (
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 04:43:32 EST

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "Re: Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need to identify who ...)"

    Hi me silk: wow, how did I miss this one!
    Talk about riddles!

    Cretin Cogan wrote: Primary premises are cognitively validated by their logical necessity as presumptions in everything else and by the impossibility of denying them without assuming them. Thus, premises such as that one exists do not need proof based on prior premises, nor can they be accepted on faith.

    Silk here: Man this chaps got it bad! I showed this to a psychiatrist here at the university in amsterdam & he just smiled & said "he's simpy
    overcompensating silk"? Well I don't know I'm not a shrink but I must admit that I'd rather have my kids (I have none, thank god) running the streets with the likes of cogan & other "overcompensators" lurking on the corners than child molestors!

    Cogan scribbled: : Find a nice cave with no books, no reading matter of any sort, no radio, no TV, no neighbors, no phone, no computer, and go sit in it, huddled inside of some animal's skin. This way, you would not have to contend with people who think.

    Silk: Now why on earth would I want to do such a thing? Because you, one miniscule pebble on the beach, says so? "contend with people who think?"
    What you do can not by any stretch of the imagination be refered to as thinking! Who do you think your fooling? Any 10 year old clown with an encloypedia can duplicate your riddles. That it does not embarrass you to be so phoney & corny is curious! I have a keen eye for the absurd therefore find you amusing
    though not in the least unique. The internet is choc-a-bloc full of imposters hiding behind
    their monitors proclaiming & spouting off all
    kinds of drivel that of course can't be substantiated! Oh well, whatever gets you off so long as no one gets hurt! chao/silk

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