Fw: Chicken or the egg?

From: silk vain (smbc1@wxs.nl)
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 03:01:03 EST

  • Next message: silk: "Complexes a la Carte!"

    Hi Silk here: You silly pathetic fool!
    "Cogito ergo sum" - I think therefore I am - Fundamental argument for idealism; attributed to Rene Descartes. Oh well you confirmed my statements of that there can be no question. You should see someone as concerns this complex of yours, seriously, no offense intended. We are all a bit twisted N ést-ce pas? 99 percent od the peeps know absolutely nothing as concerns 99 percent of what there is to know, it's no disgrace however in your case the crack runs deep? But you know that now do you not? chao/Silk
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Chris Cogan
      To: evolution@calvin.edu
      Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:59 AM
      Subject: Re: Chicken or the egg?

      At 11:29 AM 12/07/2000 +0100, you wrote:

        Hi Silk here: If we are to assume that the uncreated creator (god to many) made all the way they {it} are {is} where they {it} are {is} doing what they are then our only question can be "WHY" & if thats it then it's not even worth 5 minutes of contemplation, but if god did do it all then this god did or did not endow you with the curiosity to contemplate what it had done or is doing & why! Period! cogito ergo sum! You do what you do because it's what you're supposed to do otherwise you'd be doing something else!

      "gogito ergo sum"????

      Now, *that's* gobbledygook (not to mention *invalid* (because "sum" is already *asserted* in "gogito"!))!!!

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