Re: ID unfalsifiable? (was Designed Designers?)

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 18:18:17 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: the `body language' of a threatened `priesthood'? (was More fiction from Stephen)"


    On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 13:45:46 -0700, wrote:

    >SJ>There already is "genuine *evidence* of ID" but Richard and his kind
    >>just rule it out on philosophical grounds. . . All it (sic ID) needs to do is
    >>convince a large proportion of the 80% of the public and the 40% of
    >>scientists who already do believe in some form of design.

    BW>Ah, the stupidity of egalitarian democracy. All you gots to do is
    >convince the majority you are right and science is being done.

    No. But *funding* for "science" is ultimately determined by what Bill calls,
    in elitist language, "the stupidity of egalitarian democracy"!



    "It seems as though simple chemical reactions among the compounds that
    scientists envisage were available on the early Earth were sufficient to drive
    the process that led inexorably to life. There is, however, one problem with
    this assumption: scientists still have no firm idea of what the mechanics of
    this kind of 'prebiotic' chemistry were or how the whole ascent to life
    actually happened. Recently, new experimental methods have shed some
    light on the possible processes, but have also served to add to the general
    uncertainty." (Evans J., "It's alive - isn't it?", Chemistry in Britain, Vol. 36,
    No. 5, pp.44-47, May 2000, p.44.
    Stephen E. Jones | |

    "It is still to be demonstrated how these essential molecules, such as
    haemoglobin, chlorophyll and other proteins and nucleic acids were
    formed. But even if we were to allow a primeval soup to have existed for
    the full history of the Earth (4,000-4,500 million years), complex proteins
    and nucleic-acid molecules could never have been produced by random,
    chance interactions. However, here are you and I on Earth today. And the
    evidence of the fossil record shows that some sequence o events of almost
    zero probability did take place over 3,500 million years ago. Before the
    event, the chances that it would occur were exceedingly small. What is
    more, from out understanding of the possible processes leading to the
    origin of life and the critical part played by living organisms in the
    development processes, the transition from non-living to living matter
    probably occurred only once and could have occurred only once. The
    origin of life was an almost utterly improbable event with almost impossible
    odds against a chance happening But life did originate. So was it by
    chance? Or was it by design and control?" (Brooks J., "Origins of Life,"
    Lion: Tring, Hertfordshire UK, 1985, p.87)
    Stephen E. Jones | |

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