Baylor Scientist on Dembski

Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 16:08:16 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: What is a "Darwinist'?"

    >please include the passage where they state this. I don't remember seeing
    >anything like that in anything the Baylor professor wrote. If ID is deemed
    >not to be science then it has no place being "considered" science class.
    >Why should it have a special priviledge? Music theory doesn't get
    >considered in science class either. If there is *scientific* evidence to
    >support ID, then it should be mentioned in science class and I think it is
    >scientific evidence that the Baylor professors are looking for.

    >ID propagandists are ubiquitus. It is already very easy for
    >students--especially Baylor students--to be exposed to their ideas.

    >I'm sure Baylor has debate classes--usually, they are offered through the
    >Communications Department. In those classes students are free to discuss
    >the merits of ID until the cows come home. Victory can be awarded to the
    >student with the most well-mannered presentation.

    At Baylor, ID was being considered at a conference by the Polyani Center. Not
    a science class. Speakers from both sides were invited. The biology
    department is trying to shut down the center for this piece of irreverence.

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