re: Life

From: Steve Clark (
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 22:07:29 EDT

  • Next message: Wesley R. Elsberry: "IDC being pushed"

    To: evolution Subject: Re: Life
    At 03:20 PM 06/05/2000 -0400, you wrote:
    Steve C:
    >It is a mystery to me why you think science can explain everything.>

    >I don't believe science can explain everything. I don't believe science has
    >explained evolution and should not pretent "random mutation and natural
    >selection" does so. If science can't explain life, science has no business
    >demanding their guesses as to how evolution might have happened be presented
    >to children as "fact".

    So if science can't explain everything (and it is *you* who say that
    scientists say science can potentially explain everything, not scientists)
    then it shouldn't be allowed to explain anything. I see.

    Is it ok with you if the *evidence* for evolution be presented? Or should
    that be discarded because it disproves your point?


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