Sun, 26 Nov 1995 15:39:03 -0800 (PST)

Greetings and Salutations,

I'm back! In the cyber-flesh! Did you miss me?

Why am I back? Well, for four reasons really:

1) I got a little bored.

2) Because of popular demand. Get a load of the following message:

>Oh Most Intelligent one,
>Just writing a note to let you know how much we missed you on the
>Reflector. We miss your keen wit, your biting sarcasm, your potent
> intellect and your lovable personality. We cannot bear that you should
>not be a member of the Reflector. Oh, please, please, please, please,
> please, please, please come back.
>Tender Love and Kisses,
>Terry Gray, Glenn Morton, Loren Haarsma, Steve Clark and Bill Hamilton

If you got one of those in your electronic mail box every day, what would
you do? (Aside from being nauseated, that is.)

3) To discuss my latest arguments for progressive creationism. I am
currently engaged in writing a pamphlet entitled, "Why I don't believe in
evolution" and I would like the input of Reflectorites. (The pamphlet may
be finished by the end of December and copies will be available upon

I intend to discuss my entire pamphlet starting with an outline in the
coming months so I can remove any poorly stated arguments or errors before

4) Well, as all of the theistic evolutionists already know, I can't count
and I don't really have a fourth reason. Bummer.

Anyway, I seem to have come in at the end of a discussion of a Y chromosome
study. Will someone please tell me if this is the same study as cited in
Hugh Ross's "Chromosome Study Stuns Evolutionists" (Facts and Faith, 3rd
quarter, 1995). If it will be of help, Dr. Ross cites the following

Robert L. Dorit, Hiroshi Akashi and Walter Gilbert, "Absence of Polymorphism
at the ZFY Locus on the Human Y Chromosome", Science, vol 268 (1995) pp

Svante Paabo, "The Y Chromosome and the Origin of All of Us (Men)", Science,
vol 268, (1995) pp 1141-1142

Dr. Ross points out that these articles are very powerful evidence of human
creation. He says: "To their great surprise, Dorit and his associates
DIFFERENCES AT ALL in the nonrecombinant part of the Y chromosomes of the 38
men." and "Large species-to-species to variations occur, but within each
species [of chimpanzees, gorilllas and men] very little, if any variation
is found."

Ross goes on to say that the "common ancestor" lived NO MORE than 270,000
years ago. (It sounds like Dorit and his associates performed Analysis of
Variance calculations assuming that the number of nucleotide differences
is normally distributed and used some kind of arbitrary confidence limit
to come up with this date.) This recent date rules out a number of different
species as being the human ancestor and emphasizes the important point that
morphological similarity and evolutionary story-telling does not prove human
descent from primates.

These results are in exact accord with the literal Biblical interpretation,
especially if you compare them to the Mitochondrial Eve results reported
a few years ago. Given that Noah and his sons were the only males to be
spared during the flood, we know that the Bible says Noah is the common
ancestor of all males and Eve is the common ancestor of all females (unless
Noah's sons married Noah's wife's daughters) so we would expect the male
common ancestor to be more recent than the female.

It's good to be back.

In Christ,

robert van de water
Associate Researcher
University of California, Los Angeles