Re: flood models #1 (was Fossil Man Again)
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 21:05:28 -0500

Stephen wrote:

>That does not fit the Biblical language used. It speaks of in one day
>"all the springs of the great deep burst forth" (Gn 7:11). The KJV
>renders it "all the fountains of the great deep broken up". The Heb.
>word for "burst forth" (NIV) and "broken up" (KJV) is:
You have been beating me about the head and shoulders with this hammer about
subterranean springs breaking forth and yet you believe that the flood was in
the Mesopotamian region some where and was local. What subterranean springs
do you propose to have caused your flood. If you can not be specific about
this in your model, then I suggest you have nothing to offer where the flood
is concerned.
