Re: Racism and YEC (WAS:Four items of possible controversy)

Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 20:11:40 EST

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    In a message dated 11/19/03 1:14:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
    In short, it was (speaking historically)
    fully "scientific" to be a racist, on the basis of evolution. I agree that
    the racism was brought into the science, but at the time it passed for a
    scientific conclusion.
    There is no doubt in my mind that we are talking at cross purposes. Behind
    all these arguments I am making lies a situation I am trying to expose and I
    always consider that situation (that I am endeavoring to share with you all) when
    I am commenting on your posts.

    Be very careful about your definitions. Racism is a word only recently
    coined, you probably know who coined it. I have read who, but his name is not
    important and I don't remember it.

    At the same time Darwin wrote the Origin of Species, Africa was being
    opened up, and for the first time large numbers of Caucasian peoples came to know
    of aboriginal black people. There is a large range of types and behaviors
    and relative stages of development in African peoples but to any ordinary person
    they looked like savages in the pictures which depicted them and African
    explorers brought back stories of atrocities committed by those aboriginals
    which further degraded their countenance in the eyes of civilized peoples. My
    God, the British thought the Irish were savages in 1849 so by extension this
    is not an unexpected assumption to make. Seeing the obvious differences,
    and turning to Darwin's theory of natural selection, the superiority and
    inferiority of races was not difficult to imagine and people accepted that
    there were differences. There are. That is the scientific conclusion.

    The Jews knew of Darwin and were in jeopardy. Why? All of their success was
    based on racial segregation and selective breeding and if the new Darwinian
    paradigm was applied to them, the secret of their success would be
    available to everyone. The non-orthodox Jews we usually commune with are not the
    core of Judaism. They are the periphery. The core is the orthodox
    community. All Jews are descended from orthodox communities that practice eugenics.
    That is the source of their success, their talents, their genius. It is what
    we moderns call "racism" and it is religiously applied. It is what the
    kabbalist call the secret of the heavenly chariot and the secret of nature in
    genesis. It is easy to understand. The mean IQ of those orthodox communities,
    the ashkenazi Jews of eastern europe is the highest in the world. Many
    people dispute the findings out of a misplaced moral obligation but if you do
    that too hastily you miss the larger picture. You can only generate those
    differences if you raise selection stresses for intelligence. Since the
    source is closed communities, they are subjecting themselves to the greater
    selection stresses and I corrected David Sloan Wilson for his obfuscation in my
    review of Darwin's Cathedral:

    Wilson made a statement that I will quote in full because it requires
    “The fact that Jewish populations around the world are genetically more
    similar to each other than to the populations among which they reside therefore
    demonstrates an extraordinary degree of isolation achieved by cultural
    mechanisms. Especially interesting is the fact that Judaism opposed the biological
    interests of the most powerful members of the community – men – by restricting
    their ability to import women from elsewhere. The genetic data shows that these
    constraints were largely successful.”45
    Wilson is not denying that Jewish communities import and export women from
    elsewhere, but the exchanged women are specifically Jewish women. The men are
    only restricted from importing non-Jewish women. This is the tradition
    established by Abraham in Genesis when he finds Canaanite women morally unsuitable and
    sends Eliezer to find the right bride for Isaac among the members of his
    family and the house of his father. In the Middle Ages, Jewish matchmakers, or ‘
     “Traveled from city to city in an intricate network of cross pollination,
    telling the father of a young man that a perfectly suited young lady had been
    discovered two hundred miles away… Jewish law recognized this aspect of the
    shadkhan’s function and stipulated that he was to be paid a higher fee when the
    bride and groom [came] from widely separated communities. In this way he
    literally interrelated whole communities and provinces.”46
    There was also an additional consideration:

    “From the days of the Talmud and for centuries thereafter, it was the
    headmasters of the Higher Torah Academies who were customarily asked to recommend
    eligible students for marriage. The reason is obvious. In addition to possessing
    the necessary moral qualifications, these rabbis were also intimately
    acquainted both with the elite young scholars who were considered the prize grooms and
    the leading families of the community who supported the communal institutions.
     “Matchmaking” elite young scholars with the daughters of the wealthiest
    entrepreneurs over many generations produced superior offspring. Prohibiting the
    importation of non-Jewish concubines into Jewish communities ensured that all
    of the community’s resources went only to the offspring of those carefully
    arranged unions. In this way, superior lines were preserved and lavishly
    nurtured. Jewish men were prevented from importing non-Jewish women from surrounding
    populations because these non-Jewish women had not been carefully bred for
    generations. Though a Jewish man’s short-term biological interests were opposed,
    due to the religious restrictions, his community’s long-term evolutionary
    interests were served.

    That is the "racism" and what MacDonald calls the evolutionary strategy of

    At about the same time as Darwin, there were two other relatively little
    known movements, the Hasidic renewal of the Hasids in Eastern Europe and the
    birth of Zionism, the idea that religious redemption for the Jews consisted
    of a nation state and the rebirth of the temple sacrificial system in
    Jerusalem. Descendants of those orginal zealots are building illegal settlements in
    Palestine. The Israeli gov't cannot stop them. Neither could our president
    and the neoconservatives who urged Bush into war are primarily Jewish. Don't
    believe me. Do some searches on the web.

    Seeing that the discovery of their intellectual advantages might be made
    with the application of Darwinian tools, Jews resorted to an amazing plan.
    Let us understand the cohesion of world Jewry. When the Ottoman empire was
    falling at the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds financed the moving of
    orthodox communities out of the empire to save them. They were spirited
    out of the Ukraine before Stalin's great famine decimated the population of the
    pale of settlement, once known as the most anti-semitic place on earth due
    to the ecomonic suppression of the peasants by Jews. They were spirited out
    of russia as communism fell because they knew an anti-semitic upsurge
    would be coming. All references available.

    Let's pose a question. If you were a Jew and realized your people were
    selectively breeding for intelligence and that was the source of your strength
    and the secret of your religion, would you run to share that with non-Jews?
    Why? So they could practice eugenics too? No, you might keep it to yourself and
    gloat over your superiority.

    Kevin MacDonald's third book The Culture of Critique painstakingly outlines
    the scope of the great subterfuge. Darwinian evolution would be discredited
    and the racism the Jews themselves practiced would be portrayed as a great
    evil, and the people who were responsible for it would be the very people who
     knew nothing about the fact that it was operating through Judaism in the
    modern world. Christians would be responsible for it - Caucasians - the
    very Europeans who had been throwing the Jews out of one country after another
    because the Jews over time impoverished them.

    “The land which you are entering and will possess is a polluted land,
    polluted by the foreign population with their abominable practices, which have made
    it unclean from end to end. Therefore do not give your daughters in marriage
    to their sons, and do not marry your sons to their daughters, and never seek
    their welfare or prosperity. Thus you will be strong and enjoy the good things
    of the land, and pass it on to your children as an everlasting possession.” Ezra

    MacDonald's book follows the subterfuge as Franz Boaz, a Jew dismantled
    American anthropology and Sigmund Freud polluted psychology and the frankfurt
    group and Theodore Adorno later discredited Christian European civilization and
    mores in countless intellectual publications as it does today in our mostly
    Jewish owned media. Boaz encouraged Mead to write coming of age in samoa
    painting a picture of primitive angels at peace in paradise and today we know
    that was a lie. Mead's work is seriously flawed. Freud would have us have
    constant uninhibited sex rather than have our sexual urges repressed and
    redirected violently (against Jews). He was directing us away from the Levitical
    prohibitions which keep your birth rates high and your breeding community
    segregated to advance your bloodline. It would appear that we are being
    shepherded away from the very secret of Jewish success, a secret they have been
    trying to suppress since Darwin.
    MacDonald uses mostly Jewish sources. Here he quotes prominent Jewish social
    scientist and ethnic activist Earl Raab:
         "The Census bureau has just reported that about half of the American
    population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American
    citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be
    able to prevail in this country. We [Jews] have been nourishing the American
    climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not
    yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make
    it irreversible -- and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry
    more practical than ever."15

    We are being "mixed" with other peoples to dilute our bloodlines and the
    refinement of our civilization. If you read herodotus this is is a common
    mesopotamian tactic. and it is happening in every caucasian christian
    country in the world. There will never be another holocaust because there will
    never be a strong christian caucasian people to perpetrate one. Jews are not
    casually devoted to their own survival. They are religiously devoted to it.
    Since the sexual revolution of the '60s, with abortion and feminism our
    population has dropped and unbridled immigration has been justified so that our
    numbers can be restored, but our economy can't handle it and our
    infrastruture is weakening. Sane people do not do this to themselves. There are
    remarkable analogies in Biblical history. In 738 B.C. after a protracted
    struggle, Israel became a tax paying vassal of Assyria. "Assyrian policy sought to
    obliterate national entities by way of population transfer." Eventually the
    Israelites were deported and lost to history. They were replaced with inferior
    peoples by the Assyrians. Later when Ezra returns from the Babylonian exile
    he makes sure the Jews who had selectively bred in Babylon did not intermarry
    with the locals who had intermarried with the peoples "round about."'

    The Bible is alive. The Jews are living their religion only you don't see it
     because you don't look for it and are so defensive about being called
    racist or anti-semite that you're all watching the civilization being
    destroyed and can't face that the basis of your own religion is more real than you
    ever imagined.
    And now my fingers are tired. I've been studying this for 25 years and am
    finally published having found MacDonald but my reward will be your rejection
    of me. Your peers will call me racist and say you don't have time to read
    about these things and I will watch the attacks on Christians continue and
    not be able to do anything about it and perhaps that is my just reward for my
    sins. I do not second guess God.
    I do not like the message I bring but you must consider it. It is the way
    things are. Now that I have made these charges, a responsible man would
    prove me wrong by investigating my claims and rationally considering what I
    have said.

    Racism is not a product of Christian Europe. It is a product of the ancient
    worldd and it persists in Judaism unbeknownst to you all and it is fast
    changing the nature of your whole world and not for the better. We are now
    taking in immigrants faster than we can assimilate them and the civilization is

    Read MacDonald, Ted and all my dear Protestant friends. I invite you to
    investigate and prove me wrong because you can't. Once you begin looking
    you'll see proof of what I say all around you.

    rich faussette

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