Flood Paper available for criticism

From: PASAlist@aol.com
Date: Sat Nov 15 2003 - 21:31:20 EST

  • Next message: bpayne15@juno.com: "Re: Declining water and oil"

    Some of you read my paper on the Flood a year or two ago. It has now been
    refined and edited and is basically ready for publication. First, however, I
    would like any serious criticism from any interested people. If you are interested
    in reading and giving critical comments (off list) on the paper, please let
    me know, and I will send it by attachment. The paper rejects both concordism's
    local flood and creation science's global flood. It. employs Calvin's concept
    of accommodation (to ancient Near Eastern cosmology) as the reason why the
    Flood account cannot be brought into history as an historically accurate VCR
    account, though still conveying theological revelation.


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