A structure revealed

From: Vernon Jenkins (vernon.jenkins@virgin.net)
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 19:49:19 EDT

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: Noahic Covenant"

    To the Forum:

    The Bible comprises 66 books - 39 in the Old Testament, and 27 in the
    New. Like 153 (the number of fishes netted in John 21:11), 276 (the
    number of souls saved from shipwreck in Acts 27:37), 666 (the number of
    the beast - Rev.13:18), 703, 2701, 3003 (the sums of sequences in the
    opening words of Genesis) and 78 ('mabbul' or Flood), 66 is a triangular
    number - and therefore, for the Christian, an apposite 'hallmark' or
    divine stamp of authority.

    Some time ago (20 June 2001), under the subject heading "Watershed", I
    had occasion to draw attention to the fact that accurate values of the
    principal universal constants 'pi' and 'e' could be extracted from the
    parallel verses Gen.1:1 and John 1:1, respectively, by applying the same
    simple mathematical procedure to the data obtained from the reading of
    their Hebrew and Greek words as numbers. Further, to show that the sum
    of these verse totals - 2701 (37x73) and 3627 (39x93), respectively -
    was another triangular number, viz 6328.- - implying that John 1:1
    represents a perfect 'plinth' for 2701-as-triangle. Details may be found
    at the last URL given below.

    Now 39 and 93 (factors of John 1:1) may be written (64 - 27) and (64 +
    27). This means that their product, 3627, is the difference of two
    squares, viz 64^2 - 27^2. Thus, if we construct a square - ABCD, say -
    of side 64, and within it another - AEFG, say - of side 27, then the
    hexagon EBCDGF represents John 1:1, having sides of 27, 39 and 66 -
    these reflecting the number of OT, NT and (OT+NT) books - of which John
    1:1 is part.

    These details may be found displayed at

    Such observations inspire confidence in the belief that the Scriptures
    are laced with additional information - thus providing clear evidence of
    their divine authorship and authority - as implied by a careful reading
    of Rev.13:18. And the fact that such information has its roots firmly
    anchored in the heart of mathematics and carries symbolic overtones adds
    particular weight to these findings.





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