Re: Noahic Covenant

From: gordon brown (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 20:01:50 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Questions to recent YEC posters"


    My reasoning is based on my interpretation of what the text has to say
    about the birds. In Gen. 8:9 the dove returns to the ark because it can't
    find any place else that isn't covered by water. This suggests to me that
    the level of the water was still above the bottom of the ark and that the
    water was receding at a very slow rate. Perhaps others don't read this
    verse that way.

    Gordon Brown
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Colorado
    Boulder, CO 80309-0395

    On Sun, 21 Jul 2002 wrote:

    > Gordon wrote,
    > << I think there are some pretty good clues in Genesis that
    > point away from a 17,000 foot volcano as being the resting place of the
    > ark. Before the water had receded from the land around the ark, other
    > mountains were visible even though Ararat is the highest mountain in the
    > region. Where was the olive tree growing? The description of the drying up
    > of the ground doesn't sound like what would happen to volcanic rock. >>
    > Gordon, please explicate your thinking. The way I read Gen 8:4,5 is that
    > after the ark grounded, there were two and a half months of the water falling
    > yet further before other mountain tops became visible. This implies that the
    > ark landed very high up in the mountains. It may not have landed on what is
    > now called Mt. Ararat, but it must have been on some much higher than average
    > mountain in Urartu, some mountain apparently virtually equivalent to Ararat.
    > This may not conflict at all with what your are driving at, but I'm not sure
    > what you are driving at.
    > Paul

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