RE: Evil of Personal Opinion

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 03:19:01 EDT

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: Oppressive YEC"

    Stephen writes

    >> I) Even some people who back Gen 1 as real history are wrong in
    >> some places. Peter Ruest doesn't approach the issue fully
    >> correctly. Neither does Dick Fischer. But, I guess both of
    >> them are "too big" to see their own shortcomings. If given
    >> the opportunity, I fully intend to begin pointing these
    >> shortcomings out.

    >It will be a benediction to hear your wisdom.

    Thanks, Stephen. That may be the nicest thing that anyone on
    the list has ever said to me. And thank you for the thoughtful
    reply to my post. I hope that you hang around the list for some

    Peter Ruest/Armin Held and Dick Fischer have done the hard work.
    I see my role as providing publicity. And, occasionally pointing
    out a weakness. So, here goes

    My main "beef" with Peter is that "he's quiet." He doesn't have
    a web page with the most current reconciliation between science
    and Gen 1. He may be on the absolute cutting edge of Christian
    apologetics. But he doesn't act like it. He acts like "just
    another guy." But, I don't pretend to know him fully.

    Dick is, simply, a courageous guy. I don't want to reveal the
    struggles he had with his church when he went public with his ideas.
    They were very real, though. Mostly, Dick underestimates himself.
    He has powerful information. But, instead of trying to "conquer
    the world" he "hangs out on the ASA list."

    I do also have "technical criticisms." The "days" of Gen 1 clearly
    overlap (but the beginning of each day is before the beginning of
    the next day). This is why we need folks like Paul Seely around :).
    Eventually Paul will at least own up to the "similarity" between
    Gen 1 and science. Or, he'll debate me and we'll come to a closer
    understanding. And he certainly keeps us concordists honest.

    FWIW, Dick's book also spends far too much time attacking opposing
    ideas. He's got a great apologetic. What he needs is a shorter
    book with an index. Too much time has been wasted getting the
    message out. There are YECs (and others) who desperately need to
    hear it.

    >> F) God always will find people to advance the truth.
    >> G) Will the ASA be those people?

    >Which people? Those advancing the truth or those desperately clinging to

    Stephen, the ASA is no group to be trifled with. They have a link
    from the Billy Graham website (OT, 6 day creation?). Here's how you
    "convert" a YEC. Tell him or her about the 70 weeks prophecy. Then
    tell him that YEC puts Adam thousands of years before the Bible does.
    Then tell him that Gen 1

    A) is a prophecy (some will refer to it as a backward prophecy)
    B) stunningly fits science
    C) is God's Holy, inspired, historical Word
    D) is supported by the ASA
    E) can be freely discussed on the ASA list
    F) has other websites which promote the reconciliation with science

    And then,

    A) the idea gets spread around the internet
    B) YEC pastors change (or lose their jobs)
    C) we find out that Henry Morris is a big enough man to "deal with it."

    >> H) Devastating evidence has been brought forth that Gen 1 is
    >> real history. A very recent post talked about odds of 1 in
    >> 40 million that it wasn't. I calculate the odds as more like
    >> 1 in 5 quintillion.

    >Fun with number.

    You're wrong here, Stephen. It's called the fulfillment of prophecy.
    What an honor and a privelege to be living in such times!


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