Re: Christian Science?

From: Stuart d Kirkley (
Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 21:37:55 EDT

  • Next message: Stuart d Kirkley: "Re: What is a cult?"

      First of all, our church does not 'tell' anyone how to conduct their
    affairs on any matter. Each person is an autonomous individual and is
    completely free to decide which approach they deem most appropriate.
    Most Christian Scientists have first hand experience of the healing
    power of prayer and are quite confident of the wholesome
    effectiveness of Christian Science treatment. They have learned to
    turn to prayer first because they have found that they really can
    trust God with all their prayer requests. Like I said, the promise of
    Christian Science healing is not an empty one. We take quite
    seriously Jesus promise that 'these signs shall follow them that
    believe;...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.'
    (Mark 16:17,18).
    They have seen proof of this in their own lives, just as I mentioned
    about my own healing. I have absolute faith that God heals when
    properly appealed to through prayer. Christian Scientists do not
    denounce the use of medical means to effect healing, but they have
    witnessed and trust that spiritual healing is significantly more
    effective. If a Christian Scientist wishes to pursue medical
    treatment, they are completely free to do so, there is no penalty
    assigned to this whatsoever. We are given constitutional rights to
    practice our religion, just as you are. As I said before, if
    Christian Science treatment was a dismal failure, then you have a
    perfect right to demand a better responsibility, but it is effective,
    it is a proven system of healing, and a growing number of doctors and
    health care providers, insurance companies and legislators accept
    this. How can you dispute our record of success? As for the
    occasional failure, we acknowledge this, and are saddened by any
    loss, !
      can the medical faculty claim a spotless record either? There is no
    guarantee of healing when you use medical methods, but if you believe
    the promises in the Bible, and have learned to trust that they are
    not empty promises, that God is a 'very present help in times of
    trouble', then you are relieved of the fear which attends physical
    difficulties and this goes a long way towards the effecting of
    healing. I can only say that it works, it is effective and I have
    learned to 'trust in the Lord, and lean not unto my own

    Stuart Kirkley


    On Sat, 27 Apr 2002 20:50:41 MikeSatterlee wrote: >Hello Stu, > >Earlier you admitted that some children of Christian Science practitioner >parents have died because their parents failed to take them soon enough to a >doctor when they were sick. You then asked, "When a parent relies on medical >treatment for their children, and it is not succesful, do we hold those >parents culpable for their childs fate?" The answer to that question, of >course, is 'No." Why? Because the parents took the child to the doctor as >soon as they knew the child was sick. They probably then also prayed for >their child's recovery. In other words, they did all they could for their >child, as soon as they could. > >Why do Christian Science parents not do the same? Why do some Christian >Science parents wait to take their children to see a Doctor only after their >prayer method of healing does not seem to be working, when it is sometimes >too late? Why does your Church not tell people to see a Doctor right away and >then pray for healing while under the Doctor's care? > >Mike > >Mike >

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