Christian Science?

Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 20:50:41 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Re: Christian Science"

    Hello Stu,

    Earlier you admitted that some children of Christian Science practitioner
    parents have died because their parents failed to take them soon enough to a
    doctor when they were sick. You then asked, "When a parent relies on medical
    treatment for their children, and it is not succesful, do we hold those
    parents culpable for their childs fate?" The answer to that question, of
    course, is 'No." Why? Because the parents took the child to the doctor as
    soon as they knew the child was sick. They probably then also prayed for
    their child's recovery. In other words, they did all they could for their
    child, as soon as they could.

    Why do Christian Science parents not do the same? Why do some Christian
    Science parents wait to take their children to see a Doctor only after their
    prayer method of healing does not seem to be working, when it is sometimes
    too late? Why does your Church not tell people to see a Doctor right away and
    then pray for healing while under the Doctor's care?



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