Re: Christian Science

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 15:42:53 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Being Born Again"

    George writes

    >>I should have been more precise. Given a person's background, we may
    indeed wonder in what sense a person is accepting the Statement of Faith.
    Furthermore, I see nothing wrong with frank discussion among members of
    theological differences in light of the creeds. But I don't think that the
    ASA as an organization should be investigating the theology of applicants
    membership if they accept the Statement of Faith unless there is obvious
    evidence of dissimulation.
              As I said earlier, the ASA is not a Church and its Statement of
    is not a condition for church fellowship. I think there are serious errors
    the theology of the Unification Church & that's true in varying degrees for
    some other churches whose members are represented in ASA. There are strong
    and weak points in having a relatively broad statement of the type we
    presently have but I think the strengths outweigh the weaknesses.>>

    Hi George. What is the ASA's position on being born again? I
    believe that Christ considered it a necessity.


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