Re: Trouble with Adam and Eve

From: Marcio Pie (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 14:48:45 EDT

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: moderated list?"

    On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Walter Hicks wrote:
    > Take just the male Y-chromosome. As I understand it, there are small
    > differences in each male due to mutations which occur at a somewhat
    > known rate. So if we trace backwards, we arrive at the most recent male
    > "father of us all" and call him "Adam". Forgetting about those who have
    > preceded him, this says that all other male humanoids living at that
    > time have failed to contribute to the line of male humans existing at
    > this time -- because each man can only have one father. Does this mean
    > that all the other men had lines of male children who eventually became
    > extinct? If not, what is the alternative?

    That is true only for the genes in the Y chromosome. You have to
    remember that the Y chromosome is just part of the story. All
    the other chromosomes get shuffled every generation, and the gene that's
    in a male today might be in a female in the next generation.

    You might find this website interesting:
    (go to: Phylogenetic Estimators: But First a Digression into Coalescent


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