RE: (Maybe) The first writing wasn't in Mesopotamia

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 22:16:02 EDT

  • Next message: Don Perrett: "RE: A matter of trust?(Or why YEC persists)"

    Hi Dick,

    You wrote of Egypt's early writing,
    >Sounds tentative to me. Let's see if it makes it into the history books
    >we jump off the Sumerian band wagon and onto an Egyptian band wagon.
    >If it turns out Sumerians were not the first to write, that's fine. They
    >learned to write before the Accadians did. After all, that is the point I
    >making. Are you questioning that?

    Haven't looked into that one so I will take your word for it.

    >Also, what happened to their writing? At the time Sumerians were writing
    >poetry, Egyptians were still making hieroglyphics.

    Sorry, Dick this is either a joke or a really silly statement. With
    pictographic languages one can express any thought known to man or ever
    conceived of by man. Chinese, a language I have some familiarity with, is a
    pictographic language and I can assure you they can discuss quantum physics
    or the philosophical niceties of Plato and they can express some very
    incredible poems which can be structured as western poems or structured as
    the chinese do, which is very different from what we are used to.
    Hieroglyphics can be used to create poetry, just as Chinese pictographs can
    be used to create some very interesting poetry. Surely you were joking
    above. I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and assume that
    you reeled me in on your rod and reel. Yep, you got me on that one.


    for lots of creation/evolution information
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       -----Original Message-----
       From: []On
    Behalf Of Dick Fischer
       Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:33 PM
       Subject: (Maybe) The first writing wasn't in Mesopotamia

       Hi Glenn, you wrote:

         Your statement is at least 2 years out of date. There are at least two
         earlier contenders for the title of earliest writing;

         First, Egypt:

         Writing May Have Begun in Egypt - Archaeologists

       Also, what happened to their writing? At the time Sumerians were writing
       poetry, Egyptians were still making hieroglyphics.

       Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
       "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

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