RE: At last, searching for the truth (was Re: Personality Conflict?)

From: Don Perrett (
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 17:33:59 EDT

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: ASA Perspective - Age"

    Jan wrote: Secondly, Gen.1 is part of a larger book and is so to speak an
                    to the introduction of Genesis. Genesis is an introduction to the five
                    books of Moses, itself an introduction to the complete Bible. That means
                    Gen.1 cannot be read without referring to the rest of the Bible.

    I agree with the idea of the first five books. But if we must study the
    entire bible to understand Genesis, then how did Moses and his bunch, with
    just the first five, understand it? I am 100% sure that the first five alone
    will accomplish the task but it is helpful to read the rest at least for

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