RE: Bears and Stuff

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 17:09:08 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Farm-type animal sacrifice"

    Glenn wrote:

    > Hi Dick, you win.

    Unless the gospel goes forth, there are no winners.

    > You have successfully shown how apologists ignore and
    >avoid discussing data which might force a change in their views. I will
    >make a couple of comments and let you have the last word after that.

    A gentleman through and through.

    >So is it your position that the important thing in determining spirituality
    >is that it is FARM ANIMALS that are sacrificed and the beliefs of the
    >individual about an afterlife, sin etc are not important in determining
    >sprituality at all? That is the only reason I can see for you to hold that
    >position. I guess a misbehaving sheep dog who sacrifices one of his sheep
    >in his charge and then eats it (as humans do with sacrificed sheep) is
    >displaying the image of God. Go Fido!

    What a miraculous reversal of positions! Here you actually recognize that
    the image of God is not demonstrated by animal sacrifice. What have we
    been arguing about?

    >>There is more to the world than Mesopotamia, Dick.

    Hey, if we ever get Saddam out of the way, we could go to Iraq and dig
    up clay tablets. Can't you just see it? You and me digging together and
    pulling clay tablets out of the sand, confirming barley transactions that
    took place 3,500 years ago.

    >But then you spend lots of time ignoring everything that might impinge on
    >your Mesopotamian views. Effectively you are saying don't confuse me with
    >any fact that doesn't support my viewpoint. I think that is what Henry
    >Morris does as effectively as you. Indeed it is what is morally wrong about
    >Christian apologetics.

    Oh, I think you see differences between me and Henry. When I last saw
    Henry he was personally autographing Bibles. I wouldn't do that.

    Yielding the last word to you, my friend.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

    >You got the last word. I won't waste more time on this thread.


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