Bear sacrifice (was RE: How and when did we become "men"?)

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 08:50:32 EDT

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: Bears and Stuff"

    Although difficult to find in the voluminous post, Glenn writes
    to Dick.

    >The reason we are discussing bears is because of animal sacrifice.

    Ah, change is difficult, isn't it Glenn? Much easier to keep
    rambling on about bears? Can we talk about wildebeasts next?
    Koalas? Kangaroos? Platypuses? Boy, we can avoid the issues for
    years on end. Oh wait, that's what you've done. Dick's book has
    been out for 6 years, Glenn! His research is solid as a rock.

    But, oh, accepting Adam was a real dude who lived ~ 7,000 years
    ago would mean that you were wrong. Of course, it wouldn't change
    the historicity of the Bible, unless you can show me where. And
    don't expect to win that argument either, Glenn. Guess Who wrote
    the Bible?

    If I pay you $50, will you change your mind. If I take you out to
    lunch will you change your mind? If I say that I like you as a
    person will you change your mind? Your position is flawed. Get
    over it.


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