RE: A matter of trust?(Or why YEC persists)

From: Shuan Rose (
Date: Sun Apr 21 2002 - 19:46:50 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: A matter of trust?(Or why YEC persists)"

    Just remember, be charitable, Jim. I know its hard, since they not only
    reject reasoned arguments-they insist that you are the stubborn one and
    moreover, that you are on the road to perdition. In other words , they are
    pigheaded and self righteous!
    However, they are our brothers & sisters and we must love them.Always
    remember that we do not get to heaven because of our right understanding of
    science and origins, but whether we have "loved one another" and have
    " believed in God and in Jesus Christ whom he has sent".

    Athiests may despise YECs, but true Christians don't have that option. You
    must hate YECism , but love the young earth creationist

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
    Behalf Of Jim Eisele
    Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 3:15 PM
    To: Shuan Rose
    Subject: RE: A matter of trust?(Or why YEC persists)

    Shuan writes

    >Unfortunately, YEC is like the storm and ASA is
    >like the still, small voice.

    I'll propose a few other analogies.

    A) YEC is your weird uncle. Someone has to be
       him, but sensible people stay away.
    B) YEC is a big hot air balloon. Do we wait for
       it to float away? Or, do we deal with the
       carnage when it bursts?
    C) YEC is like a beautiful spring day. That turns
       into a tornado.
    D) YEC is a flat tire when you're in a hurry.
    E) best case scenario - YEC is ignorance (that's
       what it was for me). And I owe a debt of
       gratitude to the ASA for providing (once I
       looked hard enough) the articles that showed
       you can believe in an historical Genesis and
       an old earth. Sometimes, I think YEC is everything
       that is wrong about Christians - the most dangerous
       thing of all - unwillingness to listen.

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