RE: A matter of trust?(Or why YEC persists)

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Sun Apr 21 2002 - 15:14:54 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: A matter of trust?(Or why YEC persists)"

    Shuan writes

    >Unfortunately, YEC is like the storm and ASA is
    >like the still, small voice.

    I'll propose a few other analogies.

    A) YEC is your weird uncle. Someone has to be
       him, but sensible people stay away.
    B) YEC is a big hot air balloon. Do we wait for
       it to float away? Or, do we deal with the
       carnage when it bursts?
    C) YEC is like a beautiful spring day. That turns
       into a tornado.
    D) YEC is a flat tire when you're in a hurry.
    E) best case scenario - YEC is ignorance (that's
       what it was for me). And I owe a debt of
       gratitude to the ASA for providing (once I
       looked hard enough) the articles that showed
       you can believe in an historical Genesis and
       an old earth. Sometimes, I think YEC is everything
       that is wrong about Christians - the most dangerous
       thing of all - unwillingness to listen.

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