Re: Homo erectus in Africa

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 14:26:49 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: Did something unique happen 8,500 years ago?"

    Michael Roberts wrote:

    >Last summer while teaching geology for Wheaton at their Black hills camp i
    >had to take the students to Mt Rushmore to look at the geology of course
    >(though 3 students sang the Stars and Stripes in the auditorium).

    You were expecting "God Save the Queen," perhaps?

    >What surprised me is that there were 5 faces and not 4 as to the left of
    >Washington is the distinct impression of a monkey's face in the rock -
    >natural of course.

    Must have been President Clinton. He was known to "monkey around" a bit.

    >Does this mean that Americans are descended from monkeys? ( I will not
    >specify which monkeys!)

    H'mmm ... From where did the Mayflower set sail?

    >As Adam Sedgwick wrote to Darwin
    >Son of a monkey

    As are we all. (Excepting those who could be called "daughters," of course :>)

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

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