RE: Homo erectus in Africa

From: Janet Rice (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 17:32:14 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: cosmology & polygamy"

    Michael Roberts wrote:
    What surprised me is that there were 5 faces and not 4 as to the left of
    Washington is the distinct impression of a monkey's face in the rock -
    natural of course

    As it happens, my family was watching a special on Mt. Rushmore last night
    and it was said that originally Jefferson's face was to have been on the
    other side of Washington, but when the work started it was found that the
    stone in that area was not "right" for carving - too many fissures or
    something, so the crews at the time stopped work and blasted away what had
    already been sculpted and started over on the other side. Could this be a
    ghost image of the original unfinished carving? Although it's funnier about
    it being Clinton.
    Janet Rice

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