Re: Lets fight fair.

Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 15:26:43 EDT

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Lets fight fair."

    In a message dated 04/12/02 9:08:18 AM, writes:

    << Is it true that Johnson agrees that, if evolution is true, then
    there is no God? I know that I read something similar in a book by
    Colson. >>


    Do you know that he believes that? As far as I know, he never did or does.
    Please cite chapter and verse from Johnson's writings if you really know what
    you are talking about.

    In DARWIN ON TRIAL, Johnson wrote, "Evolution is taught in the public
    schools (and presented in the media) not as a theory, but as a fact, the
    'fact of evolution.' There are nonetheless many dissidents, some with
    advanced scientific degrees, who deny that evolution is a fact and who insist
    that an intelligent Creator caused all living things to come into being in
    furtherance of a purpose.

    "The conflict requires careful explanation, because the terms are confusing.
    The concept of creation in itself does not imply opposition to evolution, if
    evolution means only a gradual process by which one kind of living creature
    changes into something different. A Creator might well have employed such a
    gradual process as a means of creation. 'Evolution' contradicts 'creation'
    only when it is explicitly defined as _fully naturalistic
    evolution_––meaning evolution that is not directed by any purposeful

    Similarly, 'creation' contradicts evolution only when it means _sudden
    creation_, rather than creation by progressive development. For example, the
    term 'creation science,' as used in the Louisiana law, is commonly understood
    to refer to a movement of Christian fundamentalists based on an extremely
    literal interpretation of the Bible. Creation scientists do not merely
    insist that life was _created_; they insist that the job was completed in six
    days no more than ten thousand years ago, and that all evolution since that
    time has involved trivial modifications rather than basic changes. Because
    creation-science has been the subject of so much controversy and media
    attention, many people assume that anyone who advocates 'creation' endorses
    the 'young earth' position and attributes the existence of fossils to Noah's
    flood. Clearing up that confusion is one of the purposes of this book."
    (pp. 3-4).

    It does not seem that you are really seeking an answer to the question you
    asked above, because you continue writing as if you have already answered it
    in the affirmative. You wrote,

    <<It seems to me that this is really the height of stupidity. It
    seems to be the product of such pitiful reasoning that one has to ask
    "How much harm are these people doing to Christianity?" As the evidence
    for evolution continues to mount, many Christians will feel that science
    has indeed proven that there is no God --- the worst of all worlds and
    far more damaging than an incorrect scientific opinion like YEC.

    <<I think it would be better if such people would just declare themselves
    to be atheists and go join the other team.>>

    Do you think Johnson is an atheist? If so, tell us where you found that out.
     The quote above hardly sounds like he's an atheist.



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