Lets fight fair.

From: James Mahaffy (mahaffy@mtcnet.net)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 21:13:09 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Lets fight fair."


    When I respond to a post of Dick's showing with citation from their
    books that Behe and Johnson are more upfront in stating their positions
    that Dick indicated, we get back a post that frankly I think crosses the
    line on how we should deal with brothers regardless of how strongly we
    disagree with them.

    To make the statement that Dick makes about Johnson in his post is NOT
    >In a few sentences before this Johnson says, "I am a philosophical theist
    >and a Christian.

    "Better he disavowed Christianity all together and declared himself
    strictly a theist. At least that way we would know that the god he
    confesses should not be confused with the God of the Bible."

    While some in the ID movement likely do not worship [I am not
    equivocating - I am quite sure that is the case but do not have personal
    and specific knowledge so am trying to be cautious] the same God I do,
    Johnson is NOT one of them. He makes it clear in some of his books that
    he is a committed Christian worshiping in a Presbyterian church. It is
    true that the intelligent designer is not the God of the Bible and my
    Van Tilian assumptions tell me the proving a designer will not move
    folks closer the the God, you, I, and Phil worship. By all means show
    why and argue why your position is better than PJ's but as a believer
    please leave off the attacks on the personal faith of a fellow believer
    you think has wrong ideas. We must respect the good name of even those
    we dislike.

    Sometimes it may be good to be shown that people do not fit your
    stereotypes. I found that was the case, in my stereotype years back of
    the TE position. It was listening to Terry Grey's arguments on the old
    evolution reflector that made me realize that my stereotype of TE's was
    not always fair. While not TE, I respect his postion and expecially the
    faith and theology it obviously sprang from.

    James and Florence Mahaffy    712 722-0381 (Home)
    227 S. Main St.              712 722-6279 (Office)
    Sioux Center, IA 51250

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