Re: ID, TE and the sizes of the tents

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 21:56:22 EDT

  • Next message: Preston Garrison: "Where is Schimmrich's web site now?"

    >As for TE, that's an even bigger tent, in some ways. Let me elaborate. On
    >the one hand, TE is much smaller b/c everyone by definition more or less
    >accepts evolution and what comes with it (big bang, old earth, common
    >ancestry, figurative interpretation of Genesis if the Bible is considered at
    >all). And everyone is some type of theist (probably, though if I think hard
    >I might change my mind). On the other hand, the tent is mighty big
    >theologically. <snip>

    I agree. That is why many of us who are given the "theistic evolutionist"
    label don't like it. However, it becomes tiring to keep trying to present
    and defend a different terminology. I for example, much prefer the term
    "continuous creation" to describe my view. Others like "evolutionary
    creationist" and others use still other labels. Part of the problem with
    the rhetoric coming from some ID proponents is a result of lumping all
    "theistic evolutionists" together and attributing to them a basically
    deistic understanding of God's action.

    There is also the confusion generated by having commonality with people on
    educational or scientific issues, while differing substantially on
    theological issues.

    I guess we just need to keep dogedly trying to make clear our own
    theological understandings.


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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