Who can you trust?

From: Glenn Morton (glenn.morton@btinternet.com)
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 23:46:17 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: What Evolution Means"

    Allen wrote:

    >One of your complaints against Creationists has been that they have
    >deliberately misquoted and misled the public, especially the Christian
    >subculture, about science and evolution. Me experience has been that you
    >will not believe ANYTHING printed or quoted by YECs (including myself)
    >unless you check the sources for yourself.

    That is correct. There is an old saying: fool me once shame on you, fool me
    twice shame on me! I prefer not to have shame on me!

    >Now my question is, did you check the sources of the News media and the
    >press releases from scientific groups and organizations which reported:

    Long list snipped.

    No, Allen, I didn't check the sources because I didn't read any of those
    things. One of the nice things I have done for my self is to almost
    completely withdraw from the debate about evolution and creation. But when I
    get my pictures from the Orkney Islands developed, I may ask you a question
    about what I saw, geologically up there.

    If anyone hasn't been to the Orkneys, they are a wonderful place with lots
    of geology, wildlife, archaological sites and historical sites. But expect
    to do a lot of hiking if you want to see all the places.


    see http://www.glenn.morton.btinternet.co.uk/dmd.htm
    for lots of creation/evolution information
    personal stories of struggle

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