The Mediterranean Flood

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 02:10:20 EST

  • Next message: Uko Zylstra: "RE: Brachiators On Our family Tree? (Common ancestry - direct evidence?)"

    >>Glen, how many millions of years ago was this?

    >If you have a complaint about factual error, then I will listen to any
    >criticism of factual error I might have made.

    My first complaint, Glenn - you completely ignored my question.

    My second complaint - you are misleading people by leaving your
    article on the web page.

    My third complaint - I found an article on the ASA site (which
    I posted yesterday) that placed the flood where the Bible does.

    A warning. I think that there is an ominous Scripture passage
    about deceiving Christians.

    I better stop there.


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